SBP Academia

Specialists in Professional Development

Our Services

The SBP Academia office based in Singapore is responsible for the following in the Asia Pacific Region:

* Regional Student Administration and Registration

* Examination Enrollment & Invigilation Approval

* Processing of Graduating Awards for successful students on behalf of study centres

* Corporate Training and Development consultancy

* Student Advisory and Counseling service for academic and career pathway.

* Curriculum Development

* Offering Support on Distance Learning courses to both regional centres and individual students.

We offer advice and suggestions on distance learning courses that are assessed by continuos assignments and case study examinations/projects. These lead to academic and vocational awards in the field of business studies. Such programs can be undertaken by students unable to attend full or part time studies due to heavy work commitments or frequent travel.

Distance learning courses leading to Certificate, Diploma, Advaced Diploma, and Graduate Diploma Awards are available in  : Business Administration, Management Studies, Sales & Maketing Management, and International Marketing.

Subject details and course structure of available courses can be found under Distance Learning or obtained from our office. For a full syllabus listing, please see the information available at : SBP/MAMSA.

 SBP Academia supports SBP and MAMSA programs in the Asia Pacific Region which are designed to address the wide variety of personal development and training needs of those wishing to enter the commercial sector and to support the continued development and workplace flexibility of those already in employment. In order to maintain global standards, all examination papers for all standard programs are set and moderated by the SBP/MAMSA Examiners and all candidates' work is referred  to the examination council through SBP Academia for final approval of marks, assessment grades and the issue of results and certificates.

Unless a candidate undertakes a single module examination, all the programs are multi-subject and candidates are required to undertake formal and externally set and marked examinations and assignments/projects in all subjects within any program.
We offer assessment at Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma and Graduate Diploma levels and the following is a guide to the target market for each type of program.

  • Certificate Level Programmes  
  • These are introductory and foundation programs designed for school leavers and adults with little or no formal academic qualifications. The course duration is normally three to six months of study either by fulltime, part-time, or distance learning study.
  • Diploma Level Programmes
  • These are designed for business students and working adults. The programs normally call for one year of study. Most Diploma level programs take the student to a level of knowledge equivalent to the first year of a degree and relevant SBP/MAMSA Diploma awards are accepted by various institutions of higher education for degree entry purposes.
  • Advanced Diploma Programmes
  • These are designed for advanced level business students, supervisors, managers and mature working adults with existing business qualifications. Advanced Diploma's take a further year of study for completion and are designed to provide a level of business knowledge equal to that obtained after 18 months of undergraduate study. Most Advanced Diploma Programs are taken as an end in themselves, but they can also be used for entry at an appropriate level to first degree studies.
  • Graduate Diploma programmes
  • Designed for practicing managers and advanced level business students,  these are one year undergraduate level experience programs which, subject to status and examination grades, qualify the holder for entry onto a final year of a bachelor degree or for those with managerial work experience, a wide range of Masters programs.